The procurement of bankable wind measurement sensors, accredited measurement systems, wind measurement masts, RSD (like SODAR and LIDAR) and the transparent data retrieval, analysis and supervision (respectively the entire data quality management) warranting authenticity and integrity during the wind measurement campaign in accordance to MEASNET recommendations "Evaluation of site-specific wind conditions" is a challenging endeavour with numerous details to be considered and specifications to be respected.

Much care needs to be taken to warrant so-called BANKABILITY and to obtain best insights and results of the wind measurement campaign at lowest uncertainty possible.

Facts about bankability and certified wind measurement campaigns

Due to the current absence of a sole, international standard exclusively focussing on wind measurements meant for energy yield prognoses only, in reality the Best Practices for wind resource assessments do refer to several standards accepted by banks that each touch part of the requirements to be respected:

  • IEC 61400-12-1 Ed.1 & Ed.2
  • IEC 61400-12-2
  • FGW Technical Guideline for Wind Turbines, Part 6 Rev. 10
  • MEASNET Power Performance Measurement Procedure
  • MEASNET Evaluation of Site-Specific Wind Conditions
  • MEASNET Cup Anemometer Calibration Procedure.

Each of these standards intrinsically contains relevant and important information to be complied with in order to warrant that a wind measurement campaign is fully bankable and in accordance to best practices, reflected by consideration of these most recent and by banks accepted standards.

"One Stop Wind Shop" offers comfortable compliance with bankability requirements

Anticipating entirely on the need to warrant bankability starting with the sensor selection already, ProfEC Ventus recently has launched.

"ONE STOP WIND SHOP" ( for certified wind measurement systems, wind measurement towers and diverse accredited expert opinion services.

At ONE STOP WIND SHOP customers can find an immense selection of proven, calibrated and by banks accepted measurement technology at

Declared objective is the optimisation of professional procurement for high-quality, bankable wind measurement equipment as well as complete, accredited wind measurement campaigns, and to facilitate the choice of products.

In addition to individual, bankable sensors, the offer ranges from fully calibrated, certified and bankable wind measurement systems with or without wind measurement towers to the complete, accredited setup and data management support of entire wind measuring campaigns, using measurement masts, SODAR or LIDAR technologies involved. But also a worldwide assembly and installation services, an accredited calibration service and various, accredited expert services are offered at a glance: anytime and everywhere.

ProfEC Ventus, as ISO/IEC 17025 Measurement Institute, acts as accredited Testing Laboratory as well as accredited MEASNET Calibration Laboratory with main focus on bankable energy yield assessments and long-term prognoses, wind maps (meso- & micro scale), wind forecasts & CFD-calculations. ProfEC Ventus’ premise as accredited, independent Wind Energy Consulting Experts is to increase success of projects, to assess and identify associated risks that our clients are facing, to minimize risks and to qualify and quantify remaining uncertainties at bankable level as well as to most precisely determine any potentially energy losses involved. This expertise yet was proven in more than 40 countries worldwide.

ProfEC Ventus at a glance

ProfEC Ventus’ procedures and techniques do comply with relevant and recent international industry standards for wind energy. Its accreditation as Testing and as Calibration Laboratory following ISO/IEC 17025 proves accepted bankability of the offered services. Work and expert opinions are hence performed in compliance with pertinent norms as:

  • IEC 61400-12-1 Ed.1 & Ed.2
  • IEC 61400-12-2
  • IEC 61400-1
  • IEC 61400-2
  • FGW TR6 Rev.10
  • FGW TR2 Rev.16
  • MEASNET Power Performance Measurement Procedure V.5
  • MEASNET Evaluation of Site-Specific Wind Conditions V.2
  • MEASNET Cup Anemometer Calibration Procedure – V.2.

ProfEC Ventus is accredited following ISO/IEC 17025 for following services:

  • Anemometer and wind vane calibration
  • Measurement of wind turbine power performance
  • Wind resource and energy yield assessment of wind turbines incl. assessment of losses
  • Installation and evaluation of wind measurements
  • Site classification of wind turbines.

Closer, committed, competitive

ProfEC Ventus is engaged in several national and internationally expert bodies focussing on streamlining quality of work, service and results within the global wind energy market. Development of standards, norms and guidelines yield harmonized results, necessary for globally acting wind energy stakeholders as banks, investors, wind turbine manufacturers, project developers, O&M companies, etc.