Within their respective offshore businesses, Vestas and Siemens are leading the way with the next generation of larger offshore turbines that require new foundation technology to capture the favourable winds far offshore.
FTI Intelligence has released preliminary turbine OEM rankings from their ‘Global Wind Market Update – Demand & Supply 2014’ report, which place Vestas and Siemens in first and second place.
FTI Consulting, Siemens and MHI Vestas Offshore (the offshore joint venture between Vestas and Mitsubishi) are all presenting at Offshore Wind Structures in London in April, where we will be discussing how foundation design is responding to the pressure of larger turbines, and how structural optimization and improved design will mitigate the financial and technological challenges facing the industry.
Aris Karcanias, managing director at FTI Consulting, comments: "Despite the industry showing its resilience and ability to adapt, the record 50GW installations disguise the underlying challenges facing the industry."
At Offshore Wind Structures, the market’s key players will be discussing how to tackle these challenges. With the top two turbine OEMs and the influential FTI Consulting in attendance, alongside key developers such as EDF, Eneco and RES Offshore, Offshore Wind Structures will facilitate the fascinating and fast-paced discussion around new foundation typologies, and the possibilities for offshore technology.
Download the brochure here to see the agenda: http://bit.ly/1Cg4ffW.